Our church would not thrive without the help from all who serve! We are one church made up of many folks serving on various teams! Some of the many ways to serve include setting up coffee and refreshments, greeting, becoming part of the music team, teaching in a classroom, and so much more. If you are looking for a place to serve others, stop in the church office for more information or click here to sign up today!
We Appreciate Those Who Serve at New Life!
Our New Life Ministry Teams:

Food Service Groups
All are invited to the Fellowship Hall (lower level) after church ends on Sunday Mornings for a time of refreshments, visiting friends and meeting guests. We have a team of wonderful folks serving on rotation once every four weeks to set out food, desserts, and coffee.

Music, Overhead, Sound, Media, Stream Teams
Worship at New Life is more than just about singing songs - it is an opportunity to express praise, thanksgiving and love to God and to experience the refreshing of our spirits as we encounter Jesus Christ in a deeper way. Our Sunday morning Celebration Service is live in person, live on Facebook and also shown on YouTube. God is good all the time!

Gatekeepers Team
Those serving on this team are Greeters, Ushers and Security. This group works together to create a safe, enjoyable experience for you while in the building. You are welcome to ask any of these individuals for assistance. They are happy to help!

Refresh Team
From the first impression to the moment you leave, we hope you find the building looking its freshest and best. We are happy to sanitize, straighten, and put things in order each week to ensure the building looks refreshed!

Facilities Team
We appreciate those who are committed to maintaining the physical building, church equipment and the grounds, ensuring that everything is safe, tidy and accessible.

Prayer, Care and Hospitality Teams
Do you have a prayer request? How can we help? These teams serve New Life in various ways, meeting a variety of needs. From providing special meal during funerals, keeping the kitchen and fellowship hall in order and running smoothly, praying with folks, house calls to homebound, flower deliveries, phone calls, giving encouragement, and SO much more!
Michelle Smith (pastor, author, teacher) invites you to join her on a truly liberating journey of personal discovery into the Biblical principles of womanhood! This is not your normal women's Bible Study!
WOVEN is women loving, valuing and growing together in healthy relationships; creating an environment of encouragement, kindness and compassion; a place where one can find her significance and fruitfulness in the family of God.
The ROCK Men's Ministry is a group of men joining forces on a mission to see men restored, empowered and equipped to step into God's calling on their lives.
Our purpose is to introduce young people (Jr./Sr. High School) to Jesus Christ, and to help each of them realize and live out their unique calling as a born -again believer in --- and disciple of Jesus Christ, looking to Jesus (The Way, The Truth, The Life) for their true identity in Him.
Thank you for sharing your children with us (ages Infant-12)! Each week our staff and volunteers seek to partner with parents in modeling loving Christian relationships and to present Biblical truths in creative, memorable ways.

Children's Check-In Desk Ministry
Our children's ministry check-in counter opens at 9:15 AM Sunday mornings in our Fellowship Hall (lower level). One of our friendly volunteers will assist you with receiving a secure nametag for each child before they head off to class.