Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Each week our staff and volunteers seek to partner with parents in modeling loving
Christian relationships and to present Biblical truths in creative, memorable ways.
Our children's ministry check-in counter opens at 9:15 AM Sunday mornings in our lower level Fellowship Hall. One of our friendly volunteers will assist you with receiving a secure nametag for each child before they head off to class.
Teach a child to choose the right path and when he is older, he will remain upon it.
Proverbs 22:6
The Crèche
Even little babies shall praise him! Matthew 21:16
Little Lambs Nursery
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matthew 19:14
This class is for Crawlers - 2 years. Little Lambs Nursery is located in the Lower Level and is available throughout the entire worship service. Little Lambs provides a caring, safe place for your little ones while you participate in the service. Our volunteers will gently play with and tenderly care for your child.
Little Lights Pre-School
And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16
This class is for ages 3-4 years of age. It is available throughout the entire worship service and provides a safe and secure environment for the spiritual and physical care of your little one. If you prefer, you may bring your child to Little Lights class after the singing portion of the Worship Service - this is when the Bible lesson will be taught and pre-packaged snacks and water is provided.
Elementary Kids
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and man. Luke 2:52
Our elementary age children join their families in singing worship together and then are released to their classes in our upstairs Education Wing. Elementary is divided into two classes September-May. During the summer months June-August we combine into one big class! Pre-packaged snacks and water are available for snack every class. Special snacks (fresh fruit, cut veggies, and cupcakes) are provided during seasonal class parties!
Kingdom Kids 5-8 years
Your child will learn about their Heavenly Father through stories and discussion, fun scripture memorization, games, puppets and other activities, all designed to help him/her discover truth from God's word and how to apply it to daily life.
Heir Force 9-12 years
This class is all about exploring—getting to know God's word and the adventurous life He has called us to live! This class will study the same topics as the Kingdom Kid’s class with stories, activities and games that are specifically targeted to their age group.