And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17
Pastors Gary and Michelle Smith
Founding Pastors
Gary and Michelle serve as a spiritual Father and Mother team, faithfully mentoring, discipling those who make New Life their church home.
They gave their lives to Christ Jesus in 1978 and quickly discovered a passion for telling others about what God has done for them. This passion grew into the recognition of God's clear call on their lives. In 1992, Gary became the Senior Pastor of New Life, a new church plant. Michelle worked alongside him in every area as the church grew and became established.
They have effectively led New Life through many growth phases and into becoming a strong influence in their community for Christ. Nothing gives them more joy than seeing others brought into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and discovering his plans for their lives.
Gary is a diligent student of God's word and ways. His straightforward approach and ability to relate the message of Jesus to everyday life, combined with practical application, down-to-earth humor, and a love of history makes his preaching and teaching impactful.
Michelle is known for her visionary insights, wisdom, and leadership ability. She is gifted in teaching and exhortation, and is passionate about unlocking the potential in others to live out all that God has intended for them. She launched Purely Women's Ministries, with the purpose of helping women of all ages discover their true identity as a woman of God.
They enjoy time with family, gardening, canoeing, camping and the outdoors.
Cliff Prince
Cliff is gifted with a shepherd's heart and is a strong influencer for the spiritual growth and health of the New Life church family. He brings spiritual wisdom and strength to the leadership team and youth ministry of New Life.
Cliff attends New Life with his wife, Cherith and their four children. He serves in the United States Armed Forces and has completed two oversees tours of duty. He is also an avid outdoorsman.
Cliff can be reached at:
Mike Fisher
Church Administrator | Elder
Mike is a diligent worker for the Lord guided by a desire to serve. He completes tasks with a spirit of excellence. He serves in the Children's Ministry and The ROCK Men's Leadership team. He also fills the important role of overseeing the building and grounds maintenance.
Mike attends New Life with his wife, Denel and their children. He enjoys hunting, fishing and adventuring outdoors.
Mike can be reached at:
Bill Kroll
Bill stepped out of retirement to serve as our Treasurer. He brings a wealth of experience and works closely with our financial committee. He enjoys serving in Children' Ministry, grilling meals, and being part of the fun and excitement of various New Life events.
Bill attends New Life with his wife, Sue. They enjoy family times when their adult children and grandchildren visit. Bill is known for his woodworking and fishing abilities.
Bill can be reached at:
Denel Fisher
Office Administrator | Children's Ministry Director
Denel oversees the church office and our Children's Ministry program. She faithfully serves the needs of the church family helping to keep "all-the-things" running smoothly and finds joy in serving at church alongside her husband, Mike, and their children.
Denel can be reached at: